Note: post inspired from RupeeClock's post ``Lucario for brawl´´.
Yeah I love Metroid... When I played Metroid Prime 2 Echoes i saw how cool Dark Samus was...
The controls could B...
Down+B= The phazon shield as in the last stage
Up+B= Phazon screw attack
Side+B= Dash or boost ball
B= Phazon charge beam
she should B faster than Samus and she should jump higher...
NOTE FOR GOKU159: if ur going to comment... comment about the freaking post ok?
well i hope you give ur own ideas :)
Umm i think ur right (on both things hehe) Dark Samus is cool, but ur wrong she shouldnt be niether fast or jump higher she should just have a stronger beam because if u make her that strong no1 will use Samus, thats wat i think :/
PS:Anyways nice post ^^
PSSS:I Like putting ps's
You say that because you never played mtroid prime 2... when you scan Dark Samus it said that the jump and dash ability are superior than Samus... but if Dark Samus appaers in Brawl... Maybe Samus will b more stronger in attack than D.S.